What is the Iranian NCRI?

The political situation in Iran is monopolizing much attention. The media is constantly talking about it, pointing out two antagonists: the rulers and the NCRI. For the NCRI, it is a body unknown to the majority. One has to have a special interest in the Iranian regime to know about it, or to work in journalism, for example. In order to put everyone on the same page, this article will define the NCRI or National Council of Resistance of Iran.

A political entity first and foremost

One of the main objectives of the NCRI shapes its identity. This is the desire to overthrow the current regime and establish a pluralistic democracy. The NCRI is accustomed to forming a provisional government as it did in the fall of 1981. Meetings are held intensively in order to draft and adopt a more appropriate constitution. As an illustration, there are the punishments like the death penalty and other cruel punishments that the group wants to abolish. The NCRI remains committed to proposing and fighting for conventions against torture, discrimination, etc.

An opposition leader on the ground

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is better known as NCRI. One of the origins of the NCRI lies in the mass executions of opponents of the country's leaders in 1952. Since then, in order to avoid the recurrence of such a situation, the People's Mojahedin has created a coalition of opponents. The members of this coalition have been given privileged status in the formation of a new government. One of the strategies of the center is to cooperate with other political entities to achieve the objectives. A solidarity front is being formed with other forces to confront the tyranny of the Velayat-e Faqih system. The latter runs a religion and a tyrannical state, which the members of the NCRI deem urgent to be separated from these two affairs.

A visionary group

More than 550 politicians make up this non-governmental parliament. This explains its effective engagement through approaches like the Mossadeq path. Maryam Rajavi has been at the head of the organization since the fall of the mullahs in 1993. The group has been directly or indirectly involved in various decisive events for the country as well as its international relations. Moreover, NCRI goes beyond analysis and interference in current political affairs. You will see in its philosophies such visions as a peace plan, an autonomy strategy for Iranian Kurdistan, and a struggle for freedom and women's rights. In addition, there are management policies toward black gold which has always been under the control of the mullahs.

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