How was the #metoo movement born?

The hashtag #Metoo spread quickly on social networks, in the press, and in everyday life. In this article, you will discover what triggered the #metoo movement, the issues at stake, and the consequences.

The origin of the #metoo movement

The #metoo movement was born on October 15, 2017, when an American actress, Alyssa Milano, launched a call to testify on Twitter. Since then, the liberated word of women has spread on social networks. Several personalities have responded to the call of the actress. Thus, Tarana Burke, an African-American feminist activist, said that the movement was partly hers. She started the #meToo keyword in the 1990s. She created the keyword as a member of a non-governmental organization for victims of sexual violence. At the time, she wanted to speak to young African-American women who did not have access to justice. Tarana Burke stated that she was proud of the movement that was started by Alyssa Milano. She also explained that the idea came from an African-American teenager who wanted to "free the voice of victims of sexual violence."

The evolution of the #metoo movement

The #metoo hashtag was started by actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter. This movement has allowed women who have suffered sexual assault to speak out and denounce the situation. The first victims to dare to speak out were American actresses who shared their stories in the press. They were followed by other women. The #metoo movement has given women the opportunity to free themselves by expressing their pain and anger.

Is the #metoo movement a success?

It is still too early to comment on the impact of the #metoo movement. However, it has had the effect of raising public awareness of rape culture and sexual violence. An awareness that is not insignificant. This movement has allowed women to speak freely about their experiences. They have been able to break their silence and have the strength to denounce the aggressors. This means that the victims no longer feel alone and that their word has a certain value. The movement is therefore a success. However, the extent of the phenomenon shows that rape culture does exist. The #metoo movement must not be the result of awareness or a fashion effect. The movement must be sustained over time. Victims must be able to speak freely, without fear of being rejected.

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