3 female politicians who made history

Many individuals have shaped today's society thanks to their personality, their mentality, their vision... Although not as numerous as men, women were pioneers in various sectors. Such is the case in the world of politics where female figures are immortalized. Here are three female politicians who have made history.

The British Emmeline Pankhurst

Emmeline Pankhurst is one of the pioneers of victory in the fight for women's rights. She is also the founder of the WSPU or Women's Social and Political Union. Her hard work with the help of the Suffragettes explains the right to vote for women in England. A philosophy that quickly spread throughout the world. Born on July 15, 1858, and died on June 14, 1928, Emmeline Pankhurst took a step with no turning back, changing society's vision forever. Her political acumen is a testament to her achievement. In her time, she had to combine several clauses such as hunger strike in order to get her wish. This action made her and the WSPU supporters famous.

The writer Simone de Beauvoir

Whenever the women's liberation movement is mentioned, most people think of Simone de Beauvoir. Born in 1908, she entered politics in 1926. Being a disciple of Jean-Paul Sartre, she was among the precursors, strengthening the intensity of women's rights. She was a passionate reader and writer, and in her works, she pointed out the alien behavior of men towards women. Her words quickly gained notoriety and especially from famous personalities like Claude Lévi-Strauss. The majority of feminist movements were inspired by Simone de Beauvoir. A philosopher at the same time, her examples of female emancipation have changed many facets of society.

Olympe de Gouges

Marie Gouze, more distinguished under the name of Olympe de Gouges is an emblematic figure of the 18th century. Her approach combines politics and literature. On the one hand, most of her works denounce the slavery of blacks. On the other hand, Olympus advocates for women's rights. Marie Gouze made a name for herself during the French Revolution, during which she opposed the principle of the non-inclusion of women in projects for freedom and equality. Her commitment reaches the claim of gender equality. At that time, it was the first time in public institutions. In the 17th century, slavery was at its peak that Marie Gouze showed the wish for its abolition through her first play. It is the same for her other works, namely: "Le Marché des Noirs", "Réflexions sur les hommes nègres", etc.

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